"BRAN MAK MORN: RED WAVES OF SLAUGHTER" nominated for The Costigan Literary Achievement Award by the Robert E. Howard Foundation. Click here learn more about the award and nominees.
Howard Days
Join Shrews and others for this two day event (June 13-14, 2025) that includes tours, readings, banquets, fellowship and so much more! Click here to learn more about this event.
REH Foundation
The Robert E Howard Foundation honors the legacy of Robert E Howard. Click here to learn more about the Foundation.
Savage Tales
Check THIS out! Moose Matson does an AWESOME reading of the first chapter of THRALL on his SAVAGE TALES by the fire! Just incredible!
Summer Book Sale
Enjoy summer with all your friends: Rogan, Gorias, Joel, and more. Add these books to your summer reading list and save.
Imaginarium 2024
Meet Steven at the 11th Annual Imaginarium in Louisville, Kentucky, July 19-21, 2024. Visit www.entertheimaginarium.com for more information.
Heroic Signatures
Catch up on the latest interview about Bran Mak Morn to learn more about the man behind the madness. Click here to read the interview.
Bran Mak Morn: Red Waves of Slaughter
Fulfilling a lifelong dream to write a story featuring a character created by Robert E. Howard, Steven’s latest published work, with cover art created by Gary Gianni, is set to release March 26, 2024. Check out a synopsis of the tale on goodreads.
Wayfaring Stranger
A sword & sorcery tale "Wayfaring Stranger" appears in this hot anthology, Swords in the Shadows, edited by Cullen Bunn. Steven is honored to be along such folks as Lansdale, Keene, Janz, Oliveri, San Giovanni, Maberry, Rutledge, Piper and many more. Check out the review on Amazon.